Thursday, 6 June 2013

The Gower Tea Rooms ~ Part 1

Hywel and I have been working on a new project over the last couple of months and I thought it may be nice to show the photos here in blog land. I am guilty these days of just uploading my work onto our face book page, but I have neglected my Blog land friends for too long, so I am back! I hope you will enjoy the making of 'The Gower Tea Rooms'.
We used a DHE kit for the main tea rooms, but changed the base to make it suit our own idea.
Hywel then used Art Mache to cover the exterior walls of the tea rooms and clay to make the roof tiles and surrounding walls.
I then got my favourite job of painting it all :)

Whilst Hywel made some ceiling beams!
This is how it looked with painting done and before I did all the garden work!
Once all this was done, I started on the garden. I began by adding greenery growing through the cracks in the walls.
Then it was time to lay some miniature grass and some miniature gravel paths.

With the Gower Tea Rooms starting to come together, it time for Hywel to make the furniture to go inside, whilst I got the lovely job of adding net curtains and cups of tea. But that's another post for another time :)
Julia xx

This is post copyright to the author. It may not be re posted, reprinted or distributed without express written permission of the author.


  1. Esta quedando genial, me gusta mucho, espero verla terminada, seguro que queda preciosa.
    Un abrazo.

  2. Looks lovely so far Julia. xxx


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