Thursday, 29 October 2009

Update on the wizard store

The wizard store is now definitely staying with us. As it didn't sell, we have decided to keep it and it will eventually become Deans. He is not allowed to touch at the moment, only look lol. Hywel has been busy putting in extra shelves alongside my yet to be finished sink and I have been playing with Pumpkins! Yes, my pumpkin stacks from Nikki of witch and wizard miniatures have arrived and they are wonderful. Thankyou Nikki :0) In the photo, you can see I have put a pumpkin stack on one side of the door, on the other side is some pumpkins I already had.

Well, I am back in work at 9pm tonight, so I will be a little quiet over the weekend as day becomes night and vice versa! I will be popping by to read my favourite blogs though and may even leave the odd sleepy comment!
Have a great Halloween everyone :0)

Julia xx


  1. I think the Wizard Store is fab! I love the wizard faces outside the door! You are wise to have kept it!

    The pumpkin stack look great too. I bought a white stack and lose white pumpkins for Hogwarts.
    Michelle :o)

  2. Hi Michele,
    Hywel made the wizard heads and gargoyles from clay when I was in work one day. He kept sending me little pictures of them as they were coming along!

    I'm glad we are keeping it now, because he put so much into making it. I am just a bit stuck on filling the shelves now. I need to get my thinking hat on LOL
    Have a great weekend,
    Julia xx

  3. The doorway is wonderful. Its a beautiful door and the wizard heads too.
    Thank you for emailing me to say all arrived ok. Its a worry at the moment with all the strikes.
    You asked about filling the shelves.
    I know of a fantastic american site that sells wonderful mini jars for mini labs, some of which will be great ideas for a wizard.
    I can't find the link so off to do a search and will call back later.

    Nikki xxx

  4. Hi Nikki,
    Thanks for looking for the link for me to fill the shelves. What you see in the photo is only a 1/3rd of the shelves, so I have to find lots of ideas! Doesn't your pumpkin stack look brilliant by the door, I love it. The other one is in the witches corner next to the witch making pumpkin soup! A previous purchase from you lol That photo is on a draft post ready to be posted on saturday.
    Julia xx

  5. Yey!!! Found it.

    Click on the lab section. Its great for ideas for jars.

    You need scrolls, wands, all the wizard gear like orerries and telescopes etc. Loads of books big and small. Owls, bird cages, pots of this and that. Unicorn horns, phoenix things like feathers and tears etc. dragon eggs and other animal eggs. Pestle and mortars in various sizes and materials. hanging herbs, hanging pots, cauldron large and small. Lots and lots of herbal bottles.
    pressed and preserves flower and plant cutting, pots of growing plants and herbs, Knives and things like big choppers for cutting.
    Large and small candles, tripods and burners, preserves jars of insects or plant life, some kind of magical clock like for time changing.
    Hmmm, still thinking, lol.
    Not forgetting pots of mandrakes, some hanging to be dried and some thata are chopped up. Trays or natural items like flora and fauna. Old crates with half used bottles, rags and bits and bobs sticking out, almost like a themed but discarded old experiment box. Lot of dirty empty bottles and jars.
    Baskets, dragon skin, loose papers, test-tubes, jugs.
    That should keep you going for a while.
    Hope i was of help with ideas for the shelving.
    The pumpkins look great by the door and glad you are pleased with them.

    Nikki xxx

  6. Ooh, pumpkin soup boards. Need to add them to my list. Thanks for the reminder.

    Nikki xxx

  7. Me again, lol. I forgot to say i love the natural shelving with the bark edge. Fab!

    Nikki xxx

  8. Wow, it's gorgeous! I love the wizard heads too.

  9. Julia,

    I have 2 links that may help with some Wizard bits!
    Ray Storey lighting (they sell some fab chemistry glassware and burners etc) the link is

    The other site is an American one, Wright Guide Miniatures and the link is

    It's worth mentioning that Ericka VanHorn makes some wonderful telescopes and orrery's and other wizard items.

    Have a great weekend too!

  10. Looking great and agree you had to keep it!!
    Your pumpkins looks so cool I cant wait for mine to arrive,want them up for Saturday so all the kiddies can see them when they come trick or treating ! hurry up Posty!! Kate xx

  11. Sorry to hear that your cabin didnt sell. Its looking brilliant by the way.
    Debie xxx

  12. Hi Nikki,
    Thanks for the links, I have had a quick look, wow, that lab is fab, I want a little skeleton! Your list is very helpful and will keep me going for.... ever lol. I can't wait to get started now, but it will have to wait untill monday when I have my next day off!
    Oh... I have a pumpkin soup board, I bought it from you at the beginning of the year, witchy is using it at the mo, but after halloween it can go in the wizards store!
    Have a great weekend, Julia x

  13. this totally brings me in the right halloween mood! It looks so awesome!

  14. Hi Olivia, Eva and Debie,
    Thanks for your great comments. I'm glad we kept it as well, it's differnet to what I normally have in my collection, but I think it will be great fun to do.
    Julia x

    Hi Michele,
    Thanks for the links, will check out Raystorey lighting and Erican Vanhorn, the burners sound interesting.
    Julia xx

    Hi Kate,
    Hope your pumpkins arrive tomorrow. They are fab, they even feel real! Have a great time trick or treating with the little ones, I am working nights all weekend, so I will be dragging myself around with Meg and Dean, half asleep I won't need a costume, I will be scary enough lol
    Julia xx

  15. Hi Anneke,
    Thankyou and have a wonderful halloween :0)
    Julia xx


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