Friday 12 June 2009

I have been fiddling around with the fonts and colours on my page today, so I hope the blog is looking good!!

No doubt I will make more changes to our blog page as I get used to it.

Anyway, I thought today I would add some photos of some of my work, so here goes....

This little bear is all ready to go shopping, a favourite pastime of mine!

I have discovered some new embroidery threads in my local craft shop, they are jewel silks by DMC and they sparkle brilliantly. They are quite difficult to work with as the threads can unravel, but if you can avoid this if you only use a short amount of thread at a time. Here I have cross stitched a little 12th scale cushion using a mix of normal threads and jewel threads in the paler green.

I can't decide whether to work on some new bears or try out some new tapestries tonight. The bears seem to create themselves as I go along, but new tapestries take longer and more thinking! I will see how exhausted I feel after my little monsters have gone to bed!!

Before I go, I'd just like to say a big hello to Nikki of witch and wizards miniatures and thankyou for being my first follower. Her link is on my page, she makes fabulous witchy miniatures.

And Hi to the eldest daughter, you found us :-)